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Beyond Flavour

Beyond Flavour

Beyond Flavour is a practical guide to blind wine tasting which will help wine lovers increase their knowledge and improve their blind tasting skills. The book offers detailed descriptions of the key attributes of major grape varieties and wine producing regions, and argues that assessing a wine's structure - acid structure in white wines and tannin structure in red wines - is a more reliable indicator of a wine's identity than the traditional reliance on flavour. Beyond Flavour includes analysis of wine style by country and region; descriptions of recent vintages for classic European origins; and tips for blind tasting exams. Beyond Flavour is an indispensable guide to blind wine tasting for wine students, professionals and others seriously interested in understanding why wines taste like they do.

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Informazioni sul libro
Generi: Degustazione, Divulgazione enologica
Tag: lessico enologico, scienza divulgativa
ASIN: 1709965703
ISBN: 1709965703
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